CB1300 X4 CB1300-X4 igniter ignition module TCI CDI Box (MAZH, N75U)

Product Image Item Name- Price
CDI TCI Research Costs 1

CLICK HERE, for downloading the Test/Repair form (PDF ) or as Word document (DOC ) Testing Ignition unit You pay this amount if your unit has been...

CDI TCI Repair - Revision 2

Click here for the Test/Repair form Repair price Ignition unit (sealed / potted CDI, TCI ,brain) You pay this amount if your unit has been repaired..

Modification to full power, derestrict, no 100PS restriction

Modification maximum rpm / Increasing the rev limiter / no 100PS restriction for example We can derestrickt your CDI / TCI / ECU unit full power...


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